Creating Imagemaps

(There are examples at the bottom of the page, to use as a reference.)

First you need to create the map. You need some sort of graphics program to tell you the coordinates of the various points on the picture (in pixels).

To do this using rectangular shapes:

  1. Decide what areas on the image you want to refer to what.
  2. Find out the x and y coordinates of the top left of the first map rectangle, eg. (x1,y1)=(11,0)
  3. Find out the x and y coordinates of the bottom right of the first map rectangle, eg. (x2,y2)=(96,94)
  4. Find out the similar coordinates for the other rectangles on the imagemap.

For a circular shape:

  1. Again, determine where you want the circle to be on the image.
  2. Determine the coordinates of the center of the circle, eg. (x1,y1)=(61,48)
  3. Determine the radius of the circle, eg. r1=42.

    You can do this by a) finding the right hand point on the circle and its x-coordinate (here it is 103), then b) subtract the x-coordinate of the center of the circle, x1. eg. 103-x1 = 103-61 = 42

You can also use complicated polygonal shapes:

  1. Determine the shape and placement of the area.
  2. Determine the coordinates of each corner on the polygon, eg. (x1,y1)=(38,22), (x2,y2)=(60,13), (x3,y3)=(77,21), etc....
  3. Go around the shape and keep the coordinates in order.
  4. The map will connect the dots.

Now that you have the coordinates of the shapes, you can make a list which will tell the browser where on an image the different areas can be found.

  1. Start the map with the tag (put in whatever name you want):
    <map name="mapname">
  2. Then for each part of the image map, you need an area tag. If you have 3 links attached to three different areas on the picture, you would need one area tag for each one of these:
    <area shape="rect" coords="11,0,96,94" href="">

  3. Then you can close the map tag.
  4. Once the map has been made you can add the image to the document.
    <img src="" usemap="#mapname" border=0>


For rectangular shapes:

<img src="" usemap="#demomap" border=0>

<map name="demomap">
<area shape="rect" coords="11,0,96,94" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="96,0,174,94" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="174,0,255,94" href="">

Results in (I drew on the lines to show the shapes, but on imagemaps they are invisible):

For the circular shapes:

Note that here the full URL is not used, but only the relative one. Since the link is to a file in the same directory, all you need is the file name, not the entire address (http://...etc.)

<img src="" usemap="#demo2" border=0>

<map name="demo2">
<area shape="circle" coords="61,48,42" href="blue.htm">
<area shape="circle" coords="138,48,35" href="red.htm">
<area shape="circle" coords="211,48,38" href="pink.htm">

Results in (I drew on the lines to show the shapes, but on imagemaps they are invisible):

And for the polygonal shapes:

In this example the addresses are given in short hand. When an address begins with a slash "/", then the "" part of the address is assumed to come before it.

<img src="" usemap="#demo3" border=0>

<map name="demo3">

<area shape="polygon" coords="38,22,60,13,77,21,86,36,80,60,35,61,27,39" href="/tutorial/blue.htm">

<area shape="polygon" coords="104,20,170,15,168,65,93,67" href="/tutorial/red.htm">

<area shape="polygon" coords="203,3,223,13,236,48,220,67,180,52,181,4" href="/tutorial/pink.htm">


Results in (I drew on the lines to show the shapes, but on imagemaps they are invisible):

Ann Haker 01/10/00

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